Castle Farm delivers nationwide across the UK usually despatched within 2 working days of the order being received. Delivery charges vary according to different product categories, if you have any requests for upgrades or timed deliveries please email our friendly Mail Order Team at, they are available on weekdays 9am-5 pm (excluding Bank Holidays).

To discuss a return or refund please contact us by telephone (01959 523219) or email ( within 5 working days of receipt. In case of faulty or damaged goods Castle Farm will refund the cost of return in addition to the order refund. If returning please use a recorded or special delivery service to ensure goods are returned.

Our beautiful new Castle Farm Canvas Bags have arrived.. An excellent size for shopping, picnics or Lavender bunches!

Strong and long-lasting, with a simple double-sided decorative design, and comfortable over the shoulder handles.

Castle Farm delivers nationwide across the UK usually despatched within 2 working days of the order being received. Delivery charges vary according to different product categories, if you have any requests for upgrades or timed deliveries please email our friendly Mail Order Team at, they are available on weekdays 9am-5 pm (excluding Bank Holidays).

To discuss a return or refund please contact us by telephone (01959 523219) or email ( within 5 working days of receipt. In case of faulty or damaged goods Castle Farm will refund the cost of return in addition to the order refund. If returning please use a recorded or special delivery service to ensure goods are returned.